Thursday, June 6, 2013

French Women Dating

If you would like to date a French woman, there are probably a few things you need to keep in mind before you take the step.

Do not be surprised that French women are confident; the confidence is usually well-founded. Only a man with matching intelligence and charm would be noticed by a French woman. They usually expect a certain level of culture and, therefore, you need to be aware of current cultural events.

Just like any other woman, a French woman would be pleased if you asked questions about her culture and world view. Politics is an important topic as well. Show her that you want to understand her political views and the foundation they are based on.

French women are independent; it's in their nature. Let her have the space and independence that she requires. Her independence should not be regarded as a sign of dissatisfaction. Yet if you have any doubts, go ahead and just ask her.

Avoid stereotypes. Treat your French girlfriend as a separate individual. Use your curiosity to get to know her and her ways, but don`t ever say "Is that a French thing?"

Now here are 5 key tips to help you when you start the dating game:

1.     It’s all about the food.  A good restaurant is an optimal first date territory. But the most direct way to a French woman’s heart is to offer to cook for her. Even if it’s something very simple, she’ll be very impressed.

2.     You can never pay her enough compliments. In France, it’s very common for men to compliment women - even if they’re not dating - so you need to make a special effort.  Foreign men are often surprised, because it seems as though French people are flirting all the time. But in France, paying compliment is merely a form of acknowledgment. ‘Vous ĂȘtes ravissante, mademoiselle’ can be quite effective. But never make the mistake of saying 'Madame.
3.     Get the present right. Good old-fashioned chivalry never goes amiss. It’s always a good idea to buy her flowers. She won’t appreciate chocolates because she won’t want to get fat. And save the lingerie for much later in the relationship.

4.     Pay for everything!  The man should always pay, especially at the beginning. If you asked a French woman out on a date and then expected her to pay, there’s no way she'd go out with you again.  If you truly must, split the bill.

5.      Don’t be too keen. The man should always ask the woman out, but only after she’s made it clear that she’d like to go out with him. Remember that dating is a game. Stick to text messages and don’t send messages too often.

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